Dec 24, 2011

Old school alpinism, Crimea 1966

People from Buryatia Republic, 1930

Buryatian people, 1930

Dec 21, 2011

Dec 10, 2011


This is the mind of the universe, according to the participants of the modern art festival ‘Archstoyanie’ which is held in Nikolo-Lenivets Village once a year. Let’s see what else they have there!

Nov 29, 2011

Oct 29, 2011

Oct 25, 2011

Oct 23, 2011

The White Sea coast

The White Sea coast.

Kostnevo eco-station

Big fire at Kostnevo eco-station (Moscow Region) happened on October 21. The station was an important place for various eco-trainings. Now it's destroyed and needs a support.

Oct 17, 2011

Russian Hunter

Indian Summer in Russia. A lot of Russian men go hunting. The tradition has many rituals. Although, sometimes it's very rude towards nature, in general people are quite moderate. However, I remember time of my childhood, when my father's friends have presented him the meat of just killed young elk. Unforgetable impressions.

My friend Misha. He's good sustainable hunter.

Oct 13, 2011

Even it's not only about Russia definetely deserves to be here.
This masterpiece from Paradzhanov refers to Ukranian folk. However,
we can draw parallel lines with Russian traditional life style.

Oct 10, 2011

Blog of Swedish journalist and Russian language expert Asa Ljungkvist, describing life in Russia.

Gagarinskaya Novoselka eco-project

Volonteers needed for eco-project, 100 km from Moscow.

Our charity project where we work and live is located in the village Gagarinskaya Novoselka, 20 km from Pereslavl'-Zaleski, on the road to Moscow. It is Yaroslavl region (all cities of Golden ring are nearby) and Moscow is just 100 km from our place. We have very good public communication with all tourist sights which you can visit during your stay here. You are always welcome. We speak Russian and English. We usually help with visa support and registration in stay with us for 1 month.

Oct 3, 2011

Ambursky skit

Many Russian wild forests are the homes for old believers and their villages. The strongest communities of old believers can be found in Nizhny Novgorod Region, Kirov Region, Siberian taiga. These photos were taken in Ambursky skit. Skit is the special form of religious village existed in Russia since ancient times.

Malie Kareli

Open-air musem of wooden architecture "Malie Koreli" is a unique place where the diversity of northern life style is well-reflected.
Russia is on its start to built 12 big eco-villages using Peter Vetsch's famous earth houses.

Sep 29, 2011

October 1. Saint-Petersburg. IT-velo battle "Velo It".

Sep 27, 2011

Photos of "Bit Dobru"

Thanks to all great people involved. It was time of great weather, new meetings, fantastic music.

Sep 20, 2011

Volunteering opportunity in Russia.

Sep 19, 2011

Echo of forest fires

Consequences of last year forest fires I've seen yesterday in one of the pine forest located in Nizhny Novgorod Region. Kilometers of the black trees..

Sep 18, 2011

First independent eco-house

First eco-house with 100% energetic autonomy was built in Naro-Fominsk district of Moscow Region. It is an experiment. But the owners believe in glorious future. They were inspired by Danish eco-houses.

Sep 14, 2011

Russian Landscape photo-competition

The winners of regular competition among russian landscape photographers.

Northern Regions in XIX century

Amazing report with rare photos of Russian North in the end of XIX century.

About popularity of folk in Russia

Russians transfer their love to nature into folk songs. Trees, sun, sky are always the main heros of these songs. This is the reason, why ethnic music returns to the top positions now in the country, folk-rock and electro-folks are much more popular in Russia, than in EU, while indie-rock which usually reflects more people than nature is far away from being popular comparing with Sweden or UK.

Perhaps, my favourite russian folk song.

Sep 13, 2011

"Bit dobru" festival

Festival time is almost over.
The last festival of this year "Bit Dobru" is on September 23-25 in Kaluga region (Uzherd River).
Join us!

Sep 12, 2011

Sep 8, 2011 from US about russian festival "Arhstoyanie". And interesting blog in general.Thanks Emily K. Troutman for the link.

Life story about small flat

Story about vulnerable people in Russia. Typical and not typical at the same time. Housing possibilities is one of the main obstacle for sustainable life
for poor people.

Poverty trap - a story about poor Tanya and her family from yulia vishnevets on Vimeo.

Sep 6, 2011

May in Vorkuta city

This is the way how spring is coming to northern city of Vorkuta where the biggest share of russian coal is produced. Welcome to Russia!

Kamchatka with bike.

The link with good images of Kamchatka by the russian motor-traveller Oleg Kapkaev.

Hipsters from Omsk

Awesome report from Omsk city (Siberia) demonstrating the connection of today's socio-economic realities and some outstanding moments of russian history.

Sep 5, 2011

Adv for Moscow

This video was created for new BBC campaign under the Moscow's government supervision. But according to many Russians, it doesn't reflect the true spirit of Moscow and it has met a lot of critics. The accent was made on the night life and things like this, however, Moscow is developing now in more interesting directions - the video doesn't show that side.

Sep 1, 2011

Social adv of regional cities

This social video from Kirov Region produced under the local authorities supervision promotes anti-migration living strategy, rejection of massive pro-Moscow mood, describes the advantages of living in regional cities.

Sustainable music 2

New folk piece of art from St. Petersburg.

In the battle with forest fires

Grisha from GreenPeace with true Russian men are in the battle with forest fires which are quite strong in these hot autamn days.

Aug 30, 2011

It seems cycling is coming to Moscow

The first long cycling line in Moscow!!! We all hope it is not the end.

Aug 29, 2011

Retro sustainability

Life in Russian villages as it was more than one hundred years ago.

Aug 28, 2011

In rural church today.

Aug 25, 2011

Sustainable music

Rassvet commune in Voronezh

Rassvet (Voronezh city) is one of the oldest commune in Russia. Now the collective has six permanent people and great number of travellers.  The group manages to help local homeless people on regular basis by providing hot food.

Aug 18, 2011

Russian people

Portraits of Russian people from northern regions.

Crafts center in Ogarkovo

Crafts center in Ogarkovo was established by Alexander Belitsky several years ago. Now it attracts a lot of international people who are intested in crafts. Everybody can come and learn free some skills in different types of handicrafts.

Aug 16, 2011


17-21 August, International festival "Art of living" in Saint-Petersburg.
Discussions, music, films with the accent on environment.

Aug 15, 2011

The Old Limes Estate, Pskov Region

One more abandoned estate in Central Russia. "The Old Limes" were held by Alekseev family from the ancient times, then they moved to England because of Revolution. In Soviet times it was a holiday house, later the buildings were almost ruined.

Aug 14, 2011

Painting in Nizhny Novgorod

Video from Nizhny Novgorod about smart integration of contemporary urban art and natural city landscapes.

Three days. from CHAIR on Vimeo.

Aug 10, 2011

Wooden North

Northern part of European Russia is well-known for its unique wooden architecture. Now after decades of experiments, it is popular again among Russians as a construction method.

Aug 3, 2011

Free market, Voronezh Region

This weekend was the time for the first big free market in Russia. The most interesting thing is that not so much urban city of Voronezh offered such unique opportunity. Principles of exchange without money received quite positive grades from local people. Second hand, exchange traditionally are not popular in Russia, but there are new trends which stimulate us to reevaluate this statement.

Zubovo estate, Vologda region

Sometimes in European part of Russia you can see parts of old estates. Many of them still wait for restoration, but the majority wait for the end.  This estate in Zubovo village was home for abandoned children school during Soviet times, now it's empty.

Aug 1, 2011

Lena Pillars

Lena Pillars. Huge natural monuments are located in Siberian river Lena. This place is managed by Lena Pillars Nature Park.

"Geological texture of Lena Pillars contains outstanding evidences of the Earth and its living population development history. Numerous fossils of ancient organisms found here are unique preserved evidences of a very important stage in the history of the organic world and a biodiversity "boom", that occurred in lower Cambrian epoch. Also in Lena Pillars area the fossils of mammoth fauna representatives were found"

Images of Arhstoyanie 2011

Report from Arhstoyanie Festival 2011.

Not typical Russian village, Tula Region

Russian villages are very different in terms of housing style, street design, type of trees because of ethnic differences. This is quite unusual village in central Tula Region.

Jul 26, 2011

Arhstoyanie Festival

The festival of geo-art and new open architectural forms "Arhstoyanie" will be hosted coming weekend in Nikolo-Lenivets village, Kaluga Region. This is a regular forum for russian and european architects, painters and all other people searching for alternative life styles.
Nice place to visit for fans of art practices focused on environmental protection.

Jul 21, 2011

Vegetarian spots by Moscow Times

The Woscow Times released a review of vegetarian places in Moscow.

      "Vegetarian restaurants such as Cafe Ganga and Jagannath have been around for more than a 
       decade but have noticed a jump in visitors in the past three years".

Jul 20, 2011

Collective "Povarovka"

The most famous Russian collective is located outside the Moscow, in Moscow Region. It was established by quite well-known Russian traveller Vadim Nazarenko in his two-rooms apartment. Area near Moscow is commonly recorgnized by international ranks as one of the most expensive housing market. Dispite this fact, Vadim managed to start the collective and open the doors for people who need some living space. There is no any special ideology in Povarovka collective. However, everyone should follow some basic norms of collective living. These norms, including the principles of minimalism, allow to live together on 24 sq m for more than 7 years. Communa has six permanent members. The main idea is to help people who are starters in Moscow's job market, to offer them first lift to Moscow, before they find their own flat.
If you need a place to live in Moscow and share the ideas of collective living - just contact the Povarovka - the decision will be made collectively.

Jul 18, 2011

Mini flea markets, Moscow

The Village published good list of Moscow's mini flea markets.
For example, good books can be found at metro station Biblioteka imeni Lenina.

Tver city by Katya Romanova

Great photo-research from Tver city by my friend and social activist Katya Romanova.

Jul 17, 2011

"Rubljovka - Straße zur Glückseligkeit"

Documentary by Irene Langemann "Rubljovka - Straße zur Glückseligkeit" 2007. It reflects serious social instability inside Russian society and rude form of relationship with nature in prestigious places of Russian capital.

Free wi-fi antenna, Tsaritsino

The first wi-fi antenna with solar batteries in Russia was introduced this weekend in Tsaritsino park, Moscow. The technology is also Russian one, it is developed by the team of Nobel prize winner Jores Alferov.

Jul 14, 2011

The map of potential spots for alternative energy

The Map of Russian regions with good possibilities for development of solar and wind energy. Wind regions are marked by blue, solar're by yellow.

The Best Regions for alternative energy

Russian Regions with the most expensive energy - Altay Republic, Ingushetya Republiic, Kalmikya Republic, Yakutya Republic, Kurgan and Novgorod Region, Stavropol Region.
At the same time, these regions have the best natural capacities for development of alternative energy.

Jul 13, 2011

Eco-city 2020, Yakutia

Architects from «AB Elise» company created a project of new underground city for Yakutia's former diamond mine. Eco-city 2020 is supposed to have 3 levels with the first level for cultivating eco-products. The capacity is 100 000 people. The glass roof is designed to produce solar energy.

Jul 11, 2011

Ecovillage Kovcheg

The  ecovillage Kovcheg is located in Kaluga region  and represents one of the existing form of sustainable living. All daily activities in the area of ecovillage are established in order to take less and to give more. Natalia Belova describes her one day in this ecovillage

Jul 10, 2011

"Open sky" festival

The festival "Open-Sky" has a history and this weekend people of Nizhny Novgorod have seen the open sky again.

Jul 8, 2011

Jul 7, 2011

Lets bike it Project

Social project aimed to promote bike lifestyle in Russia -

Jul 6, 2011

Start-up in Russia

All information about Russian start-up movement including social projects is now available at

Jul 5, 2011

Winners of Oxfam photo competition

The winners of Oxfam photo competition which was aimed to attract photographers interested in rural themes.

1. Moiseenko Anna, Altay Region

2. Arpishkin Alexander, Saint-Petersburg

3. Kudinov Valery, Udmurtya Republic

4. Skuratov Sergey, Vladimir Region

Jul 1, 2011

Chascha Vsego Fest

Festival of free art and music CHASCHA VSEGO this weekend (July 1-2), Tula Region.Quite a secret place to reach from Moscow, but the nature and atmosphere deserve to be there.

Night Bike Ride 2011

Fans of night Moscow and bicycles will meet for the Night Bike Ride on July 2. The aim is to see some unusual historical places of the city, to enjoy summer night and architecture. The Guide of this night, historian Sergey Nikitin, promises that it is going to be great night.

Jun 30, 2011


First finished innovation of Skolkovo center  is the locomotiv-hybrid - ТЭМ9Н SinaraHybrid. It allows to reduce energy consumption at 30-40%, and emissions at 50%. The main source of demand for such machines is coming from the Russian Railways Company.

Bikin River's future is indefinite

Many eco-activists and NGOs try to stop massive deforestation managed by Les Export company in the area of Bikin river, Primorye Region. The river is well-known for its huge forests. This is the reason why people call it  "Russian Amazon". The Bikin's territory is a home for many unique species including Amur Tiger. Activists decided to adress a petition to V. Putin. Everybody who supports the idea can sign it at

First house with eco-design in Moscow

Moscow is on its way to the first bulding with eco-design. Architects from the ADM agency announced this project recently. The house will have green yards inside the construction offering the opportunity to enjoy trees and grass every time people want. This is not the elite building and the price is assumed to be average for Moscow market.

Jun 29, 2011

Anton Krotov's flat in Moscow

Anton Krotov is the icon of new generation of russian travellers. He is a founder of AVP Academy - Academy of Free Travellers where every person can receive different information and skills for exploring the planet with limited amount of money. He hitchkiked and lived in the majority of world societies and his books translate his great experience. This is a video about his famous flat in Moscow - the most visiting place for people with passion for alternative ways of living. You can visit this flat if you're in Moscow, meetings are orginized almost every day while Anton is in Russia.

Yakutia Republic

Yakutia Republic is the heart of Eastern Siberia and the home for unique species. The transport system is not developed in this part of coutry as in other regions. This is the reason why every photo shoot from this amazing place has higher cultural and historical value.

Desnogorsk nuclear station, Smolensk Region

The city of Desnogorsk is the home for nuclear station. The photo report below reflects the amazing combination of Smolenks Region's wild nature and nuclear artifacts.