Jul 20, 2011

Collective "Povarovka"

The most famous Russian collective is located outside the Moscow, in Moscow Region. It was established by quite well-known Russian traveller Vadim Nazarenko in his two-rooms apartment. Area near Moscow is commonly recorgnized by international ranks as one of the most expensive housing market. Dispite this fact, Vadim managed to start the collective and open the doors for people who need some living space. There is no any special ideology in Povarovka collective. However, everyone should follow some basic norms of collective living. These norms, including the principles of minimalism, allow to live together on 24 sq m for more than 7 years. Communa has six permanent members. The main idea is to help people who are starters in Moscow's job market, to offer them first lift to Moscow, before they find their own flat.
If you need a place to live in Moscow and share the ideas of collective living - just contact the Povarovka - the decision will be made collectively.

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