Jul 26, 2011

Arhstoyanie Festival

The festival of geo-art and new open architectural forms "Arhstoyanie" will be hosted coming weekend in Nikolo-Lenivets village, Kaluga Region. This is a regular forum for russian and european architects, painters and all other people searching for alternative life styles.
Nice place to visit for fans of art practices focused on environmental protection.


Jul 21, 2011

Vegetarian spots by Moscow Times

The Woscow Times released a review of vegetarian places in Moscow.http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/meat-free-no-longer-bourgeois/440905.html

      "Vegetarian restaurants such as Cafe Ganga and Jagannath have been around for more than a 
       decade but have noticed a jump in visitors in the past three years".

Jul 20, 2011

Collective "Povarovka"

The most famous Russian collective is located outside the Moscow, in Moscow Region. It was established by quite well-known Russian traveller Vadim Nazarenko in his two-rooms apartment. Area near Moscow is commonly recorgnized by international ranks as one of the most expensive housing market. Dispite this fact, Vadim managed to start the collective and open the doors for people who need some living space. There is no any special ideology in Povarovka collective. However, everyone should follow some basic norms of collective living. These norms, including the principles of minimalism, allow to live together on 24 sq m for more than 7 years. Communa has six permanent members. The main idea is to help people who are starters in Moscow's job market, to offer them first lift to Moscow, before they find their own flat.
If you need a place to live in Moscow and share the ideas of collective living - just contact the Povarovka - the decision will be made collectively.

Jul 18, 2011

Mini flea markets, Moscow

The Village published good list of Moscow's mini flea markets.http://www.the-village.ru/flows/people-talking/posts/108287-market-place
For example, good books can be found at metro station Biblioteka imeni Lenina.

Tver city by Katya Romanova

Great photo-research from Tver city by my friend and social activist Katya Romanova.http://arkansasabroad.org/photoessay-building-across-the-ages/

Jul 17, 2011

"Rubljovka - Straße zur Glückseligkeit"

Documentary by Irene Langemann "Rubljovka - Straße zur Glückseligkeit" 2007. It reflects serious social instability inside Russian society and rude form of relationship with nature in prestigious places of Russian capital.

Free wi-fi antenna, Tsaritsino

The first wi-fi antenna with solar batteries in Russia was introduced this weekend in Tsaritsino park, Moscow. The technology is also Russian one, it is developed by the team of Nobel prize winner Jores Alferov.

Jul 14, 2011

The map of potential spots for alternative energy

The Map of Russian regions with good possibilities for development of solar and wind energy. Wind regions are marked by blue, solar're by yellow.

The Best Regions for alternative energy

Russian Regions with the most expensive energy - Altay Republic, Ingushetya Republiic, Kalmikya Republic, Yakutya Republic, Kurgan and Novgorod Region, Stavropol Region.
At the same time, these regions have the best natural capacities for development of alternative energy.

Jul 13, 2011

Eco-city 2020, Yakutia

Architects from «AB Elise» company created a project of new underground city for Yakutia's former diamond mine. Eco-city 2020 is supposed to have 3 levels with the first level for cultivating eco-products. The capacity is 100 000 people. The glass roof is designed to produce solar energy.


Jul 11, 2011

Ecovillage Kovcheg

The  ecovillage Kovcheg is located in Kaluga region  and represents one of the existing form of sustainable living. All daily activities in the area of ecovillage are established in order to take less and to give more. Natalia Belova describes her one day in this ecovillage http://eco-lounge.livejournal.com/50477.html.

Jul 10, 2011

"Open sky" festival

The festival "Open-Sky" has a history and this weekend people of Nizhny Novgorod have seen the open sky again.

Jul 8, 2011

Jul 7, 2011

Lets bike it Project

Social project aimed to promote bike lifestyle in Russia - http://letsbikeit.ru/en/about-2/

Jul 6, 2011

Start-up in Russia

All information about Russian start-up movement including social projects is now available at http://startupafisha.ru

Jul 5, 2011

Winners of Oxfam photo competition

The winners of Oxfam photo competition which was aimed to attract photographers interested in rural themes.

1. Moiseenko Anna, Altay Region

2. Arpishkin Alexander, Saint-Petersburg

3. Kudinov Valery, Udmurtya Republic

4. Skuratov Sergey, Vladimir Region

Jul 1, 2011

Chascha Vsego Fest

Festival of free art and music CHASCHA VSEGO this weekend (July 1-2), Tula Region.Quite a secret place to reach from Moscow, but the nature and atmosphere deserve to be there.

Night Bike Ride 2011

Fans of night Moscow and bicycles will meet for the Night Bike Ride on July 2. The aim is to see some unusual historical places of the city, to enjoy summer night and architecture. The Guide of this night, historian Sergey Nikitin, promises that it is going to be great night.