Jul 12, 2012

Tradegy in Krymsk

Big ecological and human tradegy in Kriymsk.

Kamchatka, now

Jul 2, 2012


Had a trip to pick blueberries yesterday. Can't believe that in next 5 years a nuclear station will be built in 10 kilometers and all those amazing blueberries fields in the middle of pine forest transform to deadberries field. 

Jul 1, 2012

House for Everybody in Krasnoyarsk

New House for Everybody in Krasnoyarsk opened its doors on July 2012. It will welcome all travellers from different parts of the world the whole summer. Everybody can come and stay there for free unlimited number of days, but donations can be possible. The House is tradition of Free Travellers Academy managed by Anton Krotov. Usually such houses have special spirit of stories, sharing, common being, new friends. Come!