Sep 29, 2011

October 1. Saint-Petersburg. IT-velo battle "Velo It".

Sep 27, 2011

Photos of "Bit Dobru"

Thanks to all great people involved. It was time of great weather, new meetings, fantastic music.

Sep 20, 2011

Volunteering opportunity in Russia.

Sep 19, 2011

Echo of forest fires

Consequences of last year forest fires I've seen yesterday in one of the pine forest located in Nizhny Novgorod Region. Kilometers of the black trees..

Sep 18, 2011

First independent eco-house

First eco-house with 100% energetic autonomy was built in Naro-Fominsk district of Moscow Region. It is an experiment. But the owners believe in glorious future. They were inspired by Danish eco-houses.

Sep 14, 2011

Russian Landscape photo-competition

The winners of regular competition among russian landscape photographers.

Northern Regions in XIX century

Amazing report with rare photos of Russian North in the end of XIX century.

About popularity of folk in Russia

Russians transfer their love to nature into folk songs. Trees, sun, sky are always the main heros of these songs. This is the reason, why ethnic music returns to the top positions now in the country, folk-rock and electro-folks are much more popular in Russia, than in EU, while indie-rock which usually reflects more people than nature is far away from being popular comparing with Sweden or UK.

Perhaps, my favourite russian folk song.

Sep 13, 2011

"Bit dobru" festival

Festival time is almost over.
The last festival of this year "Bit Dobru" is on September 23-25 in Kaluga region (Uzherd River).
Join us!

Sep 12, 2011

Sep 8, 2011 from US about russian festival "Arhstoyanie". And interesting blog in general.Thanks Emily K. Troutman for the link.

Life story about small flat

Story about vulnerable people in Russia. Typical and not typical at the same time. Housing possibilities is one of the main obstacle for sustainable life
for poor people.

Poverty trap - a story about poor Tanya and her family from yulia vishnevets on Vimeo.

Sep 6, 2011

May in Vorkuta city

This is the way how spring is coming to northern city of Vorkuta where the biggest share of russian coal is produced. Welcome to Russia!

Kamchatka with bike.

The link with good images of Kamchatka by the russian motor-traveller Oleg Kapkaev.

Hipsters from Omsk

Awesome report from Omsk city (Siberia) demonstrating the connection of today's socio-economic realities and some outstanding moments of russian history.

Sep 5, 2011

Adv for Moscow

This video was created for new BBC campaign under the Moscow's government supervision. But according to many Russians, it doesn't reflect the true spirit of Moscow and it has met a lot of critics. The accent was made on the night life and things like this, however, Moscow is developing now in more interesting directions - the video doesn't show that side.

Sep 1, 2011

Social adv of regional cities

This social video from Kirov Region produced under the local authorities supervision promotes anti-migration living strategy, rejection of massive pro-Moscow mood, describes the advantages of living in regional cities.

Sustainable music 2

New folk piece of art from St. Petersburg.

In the battle with forest fires

Grisha from GreenPeace with true Russian men are in the battle with forest fires which are quite strong in these hot autamn days.