Aug 31, 2011

Empty Hills 2011 new video

Aug 30, 2011

It seems cycling is coming to Moscow

The first long cycling line in Moscow!!! We all hope it is not the end.

Aug 29, 2011

Retro sustainability

Life in Russian villages as it was more than one hundred years ago.

Aug 28, 2011

In rural church today.

Aug 25, 2011

Sustainable music

Rassvet commune in Voronezh

Rassvet (Voronezh city) is one of the oldest commune in Russia. Now the collective has six permanent people and great number of travellers.  The group manages to help local homeless people on regular basis by providing hot food.

Aug 18, 2011

Russian people

Portraits of Russian people from northern regions.

Crafts center in Ogarkovo

Crafts center in Ogarkovo was established by Alexander Belitsky several years ago. Now it attracts a lot of international people who are intested in crafts. Everybody can come and learn free some skills in different types of handicrafts.

Aug 16, 2011


17-21 August, International festival "Art of living" in Saint-Petersburg.
Discussions, music, films with the accent on environment.

Aug 15, 2011

The Old Limes Estate, Pskov Region

One more abandoned estate in Central Russia. "The Old Limes" were held by Alekseev family from the ancient times, then they moved to England because of Revolution. In Soviet times it was a holiday house, later the buildings were almost ruined.

Aug 14, 2011

Painting in Nizhny Novgorod

Video from Nizhny Novgorod about smart integration of contemporary urban art and natural city landscapes.

Three days. from CHAIR on Vimeo.

Aug 10, 2011

Wooden North

Northern part of European Russia is well-known for its unique wooden architecture. Now after decades of experiments, it is popular again among Russians as a construction method.

Aug 3, 2011

Free market, Voronezh Region

This weekend was the time for the first big free market in Russia. The most interesting thing is that not so much urban city of Voronezh offered such unique opportunity. Principles of exchange without money received quite positive grades from local people. Second hand, exchange traditionally are not popular in Russia, but there are new trends which stimulate us to reevaluate this statement.

Zubovo estate, Vologda region

Sometimes in European part of Russia you can see parts of old estates. Many of them still wait for restoration, but the majority wait for the end.  This estate in Zubovo village was home for abandoned children school during Soviet times, now it's empty.

Aug 1, 2011

Lena Pillars

Lena Pillars. Huge natural monuments are located in Siberian river Lena. This place is managed by Lena Pillars Nature Park.

"Geological texture of Lena Pillars contains outstanding evidences of the Earth and its living population development history. Numerous fossils of ancient organisms found here are unique preserved evidences of a very important stage in the history of the organic world and a biodiversity "boom", that occurred in lower Cambrian epoch. Also in Lena Pillars area the fossils of mammoth fauna representatives were found"

Images of Arhstoyanie 2011

Report from Arhstoyanie Festival 2011.

Not typical Russian village, Tula Region

Russian villages are very different in terms of housing style, street design, type of trees because of ethnic differences. This is quite unusual village in central Tula Region.