Apr 4, 2013

Mar 25, 2013

Great words

"Rome fell; the Soviet Empire collapsed; the stars and stripes are fading in the west," reads the manifesto. "Nothing is forever in history, except geography. Capitalism is a confidence trick, a dazzling edifice built on paper promises. It may stand longer than some of us anticipate, but when it crumbles, the land will remain."


Mar 8, 2013

Old man needs help.

Impressive story in Nizhny Novgorod Region. Local authorities try to move out of his own house an old man who lives on the land more than 60 years, since tines when his father has built this house. Now big money people need those beatiful places for hunting. Video shows how prosecutor communicates with the retiree. Please sign the petition and help the old man. http://democrator.ru/problem/10725/

Mar 4, 2013

Храмы Севера

Wooden churches of North, report of British photographer. http://www.pravmir.ru/lyubov-anglijskogo-fotografa-k-derevyannym-xramam-russkogo-severa-foto/

Feb 5, 2013


Eco-bag I've bought at last Lambada-market.

I try not to buy products of L'Oreal and Procter&Gamble for more than 2 years.